matt and ben
Written by Mindy Kaling and Brenda Withers
Matt & Ben depicts its Hollywood golden boys, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, before J-Lo, before Gwyneth, before Project Greenlight, before Oscar…before anyone actually gave a damn. When the screenplay for Good Will Hunting drops mysteriously from the heavens, the boys realize they’re being tested by a Higher Power.
Matt & Ben is a warm, hilarious and often surreal comedy about two childhood friends, their breakthrough hit, and a lot of Good Will.
Winner! 2002 NY International Fringe Festival
Best Overall Performance
Directed by Ryan Hartigan
Featuring Jordan Wichman and Nicole Jenkins
26th, 27th, and 28th May 2022
7pm (& 2pm on 28th)
$15/$20/Try Your Luck
New Athenaeum Theatre
An amateur production by special arrangement of Samuel French Ltd. and NZ Play Bureau.